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US Law Shield Member Risks Prison for Life Due to First Degree Assault

US Law Shield Member Risks Prison for Life Due to First Degree Assault

Aug 4, 2022 |
Case Stories

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A US Law Shield Member who does car work had been employing a man to help with various tasks for the shop. He allowed the man to get his mail sent to the shop, but as the man became more aggressive, he fired the man. One day, the man comes back, intoxicated, demanding for his mail, and starts hitting the Law Shield member. Worried for his own safety, he pulled out the concealed carry he was permitted to have and shot downward to diffuse the situation. Unfortunately, the bullet struck the intoxicated man’s leg and he was sent to the hospital.

As a result of this, he was charged with first-degree assault for shooting somebody. Partner Drew Eddy tells his client’s story and explains the actions that were taken throughout the case in order to fight the charges filed against his client

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