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Richards Carrington Partner Chris Carrington Represents Feedlot Found Not Liable for Wildlife Death Tied to Wastewater

Richards Carrington Partner Chris Carrington Represents Feedlot Found Not Liable for Wildlife Death Tied to Wastewater

May 20, 2021 |

A divided Colorado Supreme Court on May 3 found a feedlot is not liable under Colorado’s taking statutes for the death of wildlife that resulted when a heavy rainstorm caused wastewater from the feedlot to flow into nearby bodies of water.

The agricultural industry can “breathe a sigh of relief” following the decision, said Richards Carrington partner Chris Carrington, who represented the feedlot. He called the decision a “common sense outcome” that offers some assurance that “the courts are not going to hold us liable for acts of God and things that are out of our control, like the rain.”

Visit https://lawweekcolorado.com/article/supreme-court-5-star-feedlot-off-the-hook/ to read the full story.