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Military Member Risks Losing Everything in Felony Menacing Colorado Case

Military Member Risks Losing Everything in Felony Menacing Colorado Case

Jul 25, 2022 |
Case Stories

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Pounding on his door in a shared dwelling, one Richards Carrington client opens the door and is concerned when a person who also lived in the dwelling charges into his room, angry. Fearful for his safety, he drew his firearm. As soon as the angry individual left the room, the gun was stored again. But it was too late. The client was already charged with a felony that could alter his life. With his military career at stake, he knew he needed an attorney who could advocate on his behalf to get this resolved.

Associate Madalia Maaliki tells her client’s story through the details of the case, that she worked on, in order to help him fight felony menacing charges.

If you’re facing criminal charges, our team of responsive, agile, and fearless advocates can help. Call our office toll-free at 888-888-5258 or visit our website at https://richardscarrington.com/.