View the transcript One day the emergency line rang at the Richards Carrington office. On the other side was a man who was just involved in a shooting where he ultimately shot and killed his grandfather, resulting in potential murder...
Case Stories
Former Police Officer Charged with Illegal Marijuana Cultivation
View the transcript. A former police officer, Renee Rayton, had her home raided by law enforcement and was arrested and charged with illegal cultivation of marijuana. She had always been a rule follower and law-abiding citizen. When Doug...
Military Individual Charged with Felony for Drawing a Firearm
View the transcript Being charged with a crime is a pivotal moment in anybody's life. There is so much fear and uncertainty for their future and they aren't sure what their next steps should be. One individual in the military learned the...
The Long-Lasting Effects of Being Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault
View the transcript Accusations of sexual assault can ruin somebody's life, especially when the accused is innocent. Not only can these accusations follow them for life, but they can also turn their family against them, or ruin their...
US Law Shield Member Risks Prison for Life Due to First Degree Assault
View the transcript A US Law Shield Member who does car work had been employing a man to help with various tasks for the shop. He allowed the man to get his mail sent to the shop, but as the man became more aggressive, he fired the man....
Military Member Risks Losing Everything in Felony Menacing Colorado Case
View the transcript Pounding on his door in a shared dwelling, one Richards Carrington client opens the door and is concerned when a person who also lived in the dwelling charges into his room, angry. Fearful for his safety, he drew his...
Drew Eddy Succeeds in Getting All Charges Dropped in Accidental Death Case
"I feel like Drew is more of a friend than a lawyer." Our client, Marcus, found himself between a rock and a hard place when an aggressive driver and his passenger antagonized him on his commute. Marcus was determined to get away from them...
Richards Gets Felony Charges Reduced, Dismissed, and Dropped for Client Charged as a Sex Offender
"When there is literally no hope, somehow Doug finds a way to accomplish the impossible." At Richards Carrington, our attorneys listen to our client’s side of the story, fully investigate their case, and strategically plan the best course...
Doug Richards Brings Justice for Medical Marijuana Business Owner Charged for Wet Materials
This client was legally growing medical marijuana for patients in Colorado. However, the state raided his warehouse seizing 80-90 of his plants. He didn't think he was doing anything wrong but the DA charged him for wet materials. The...