A piece of land, especially in Colorado, may go unnoticed for years before one or multiple parties show any interest in it. Or perhaps the land is owned by a mother or father and then eventually passed down to be shared equally among various siblings who no longer get along. In any case, when two or more parties claim title to the same property, or co-owners can not decide on what should be done with it, our attorneys are ready to help.
Colorado real estate laws allow anyone with a property interest to petition the court to appoint a commissioner who will either divide the property among the owners or sell it, with the proceeds also being divided. In either scenario, the court’s goal is to make sure that each stakeholder gets their fair share. Contrary to what many believe, this does not mean all involved will get an equal share of the proceeds. In the eyes of the court, “fair” and “equal” are not synonymous. As a result, these cases can quickly become contentious, and you’ll need an experienced attorney on your side who can spring into action with the tools needed to make sure your interests are not only protected but that you’re fairly compensated for your contributions to a piece of real estate.