In the past decade, since Colorado became the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, public attitudes about drug-related laws—and the prosecution of those laws—have drastically shifted as more states followed Colorado’s example. As public opinion has evolved, the legal landscape has changed in response. In combination with the legalization and decriminalization of certain substances, there have been significant reforms in sentencing laws, particularly regarding mandatory minimums for non-violent offenses. And as the opioid crisis has found victims in every corner of the country, the focus of the drug war has shifted to emphasize harm-reduction strategies rather than harsh criminal sentences.
Even with the changing priorities of prosecutors’ offices, it’s still possible to be charged with drug-related crimes, and the attorneys at Richards Carrington have experience with the defense of drug charges of all types, from illegal marijuana grows, to the transportation and distribution of controlled substances, to litigation related to the execution of search warrants. Our seasoned trial lawyers are also former prosecutors, so they know how prosecutors approach drug crime cases, and they will use that knowledge to resolve your case efficiently and give you the best outcome.