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Pure Contingency Fee

This the most traditional AFA in which RC receives an agreed upon percentage of any recoveries to a lawsuit where our client was a plaintiff. A standard condition of this AFA is the client pays ongoing expenses of the litigation, however, RC is also willing to discuss sharing part or all of the expense risk with clients.

Partial Contingency Fee

In this AFA, RC receives a portion of its hourly rate plus a smaller percentage of any recovery. Defense cases can also be structured as partial contingency fees with success contingent on agreed upon results or milestones being achieved. Partial contingency fees are the most common AFA’s that RC clients choose.

Fixed Fee

Fixed or flat fee arrangements allow RC to handle a matter or group of matters for a specific amount per month or per matter. This AFA can be subject to caps assigned to milestones throughout the case. This type of AFA is most popular with RC clients desiring a specifically set budget through the case.

Multiple Matters

RC’s AFAs often cover several cases or matters. For example, RC can pool groups of plaintiffs cases together on a contingent fee basis. Another example, RC can defend a client on a reduced hourly fee basis in exchange for representing that same client as a plaintiff with a contingency fee AFA.


RC is happy to consider handling appellate work where the firm’s compensation rests, in whole or in part, on the success of our client’s appeal.

These are only examples of AFA’s that RC has entered into. We never want fees to get in the way of our client’s important cases. RC is therefore always happy and willing to discuss other AFA’s or a combination of AFA’s, so long as the risks are fairly balanced between RC and the client. Indeed, there is no type of case that cannot be structured as an AFA.