EB-5 Visa Fraud and Whistleblower
View the transcript. The EB-5 program was created to encourage people from other countries to come to the United States and seek a new life. Foreigners will invest a certain amount of money in a business and receive a green card. Unfortunately, this opportunity also...
Colorado Artist Sues Miley Cyrus Over Air Jordan Song
Nike’s Air Jordan basketball shoes are causing a legal mess for celebrity, Miley Cyrus and Colorado artist Yella the Triple Threat. Colorado-based artist Ariella Asher, with the stage name Yella the Triple Threat, sued Miley Cyrus in federal court Wednesday for...
Doug Richards Weighs In on Assault Case Against Dallas Venture Capital Exec
The Dallas Observer recently spoke to Doug Richards about Stephen Hays, a venture capitalist in Dallas, Texas facing possible felony charges and jail time after allegedly attacking his wife, as well as previous charges following an incident on a ski trip in Colorado....
Sweet Leaf Marijuana Stores Fight to Stay Alive
Sweet Leaf was once one of Colorado’s largest marijuana dispensary chains. Now, however, it’s under criminal investigation, and at risk of losing a major portion, if not all, of its business. In December of 2017, officers from the Denver Police Department, as well as...
FOX31 KDVR Interview: Doug Richards discusses new developments in fatal shooting by Uber driver
FOX31 spoke with Doug Richards about new developments as authorities continue to investigate a June 2018...
Doug Richards Discusses Legal, Compliance Concerns with Growth in Bitcoin ATMs
USA Today and The Detroit Free Press interviewed Richards about the surprising proliferation of ATMs that allow individuals to convert cash into Bitcoin currency. A former federal prosecutor with white-collar defense experience, Richards questions whether regulators...
Richards Gets All Charges Dismissed in Refugio Oil Spill Case
The lawsuit stemming from the 2015 Refugio Oil Spill, in which 144,000 gallons of oil were spilled along the Gaviota Coast in California, is ongoing. However, one of the original defendants in the case is no longer a part of the proceedings... Read about the case here.
Are FBI Agents Allowed to Bring Their Guns on the Dance Floor?
An off-duty FBI agent in Denver Colorado appears to have shot someone while dancing at a Denver distillery last weekend. Video footage shows the agent’s gun falling from his rear waistband while dancing; as he picks up the weapon, it appears to discharge. A fellow...
Seizures, Regulatory Scrutiny Follow Cryptocurrency Hype
State and federal authorities are picking up the pace of investigations into cryptocurrency markets, digital investment promotions and so-called initial coin offerings (ICOs) after being caught unprepared by the rapid adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain...
Gun Rights Supporters File Federal Lawsuit Challenging Boulder’s New ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
The city of Boulder faces a federal lawsuit over claims that its “assault weapon” ban, which was passed Tuesday night, violates the U.S. and state constitutions. The lawsuit had been expected, as Mountain States Legal Foundation stated Tuesday it planned to challenge...